December 2022 Energy Forecast
December 3 - Neptune goes direct and we can feel less sensitive and more grounded and in control.
December 6 - Mercury enters Capricorn and conversation becomes more serious, and business like.
December 7 - Full Moon in Gemini – Watch the road
December 9 - Venus enters Capricorn - Affairs of the heart become more practical and serious. Thinking with your head and not your heart is a Cappy motto.
December 16 - Last Quarter Moon
December 19 - Mercury goes Retrograde (Ancient Astrology).
December 20 - Jupiter enters Aries adding a touch of luck for this Sun sign.
December 21 – Sun enters Capricorn Happy Birthday!
December 20 - 22 Dark Moon Phase
December 23 - New Moon in Capricorn – Make plans for career and ambition.
December 29 - Mercury Retrograde (Modern Astrology)
December 29 – First Quarter Moon
The month of December is going to rough on many of us. Unfortunately, there will be more gun violence as we get closer to those dates, they do get more deadly and violent with mass casualties. Donald Trump will have his worst month yet and the world at large has some intense “Days of Caution” windows. Those dates are December ************. I will be posting 2023 Days of Caution this month ( Patreon only), the crypto class launces this month and I’m also working on Astrology Courses for 2023.
I am running a Patreon Special of $10 off the $5 Mother Tier here:
Get all the info, good days, bad days, and everything in-between.
Have a very blessed Holidays Season and a happy, and healthy New Year.
Astro - Strega