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The Ancient Zodiac

Zodiac artwork done by San Dra

A deep red square rests behind the skull of a ram. The ram's horns curl around, breeching the red square behind. At the top in a small rectangle reads the word, "Aires". A circle sits in the bottom left corner of the red square depicting the astrological sign for Aires. Art by San Dra



Governed by Mars, the planet of war and action, 

Aries is the baby of the zodiac and ruler of the 1st house!


Aries is a Cardinal Fire sign, as well as a masculine sign.




Color: Red    Animal: Ram    Mineral(Alchemy): Iron and Steel


    Astro-Medi: Head, Face and Brain


Tarot Card: Emperor    ArchAngel: Ariel



March 21 - April 19


A purple square holds a bull's skull. Hanging from the nostrils is a golden ring. Two blue horns are coming from the bull's head. "Taurus" is written above in a smaller rectangle, while a square sits along the bottom of the drawing depicting the astrological sign for Taurus. Art by San Dra.

Taurus is governed by Venus, the goddess of love, and ruler of the 2nd house!


Taurus is a Fixed Earth sign, as well as a feminine sign.






Color: Green   Animal: Bull    Mineral(Alchemy): Copper


   Astro-Medi: Neck, Throat, Thyroids


Tarot Card: Hierophant   ArchAngel: Chamuel





April 20 - May 20


Two skulls sit parallel above a green background, reflecting each other. A yellow mass protrudes on the outer edge of each of their eye sockets. The word, "Gemini" is written above in smaller bones encased in a rectangle. A circle holding the astrological sign for Gemini sits on the right edge of the green background. Art by San Dra.

Gemini is governed by Mercury, the twins of the zodiac, and is ruler of the 3rd house!


Gemini is a Mutable Air sign, as well as a masculine sign




Color: Yellow    Symbol: The Twins    Mineral(Alchemy): Mercury


    Astro-Medi: Lungs, Arms, Legs, and Respiratory system


Tarot Card: Lovers     ArchAngel: Zadkiel





May 21 - June 21


The skeletal bones of a crab sit above a light to dark gradient purple rectangle. The crab has red claws that contrast with the white bones.  Above is the word, "Cancer" written in a rectangle. The astrological sign for cancer sits in a square near the upper left corner of the background. Art by San Dra.

Cancer is governed by the Moon, the Mother of Fertility, and is ruler of the 4th house!


Cancer is a Cardinal Water sign, as well as a feminine sign. 






Color: White + Silver    Symbol: Crab    Mineral(Alchemy): Silver


    Astro-Medi: Breasts and Stomach


Tarot Card: Chariot    ArchAngel: Gabriel





June 22 - July 22


A skeletal lion opens its mouth in a roar, its mane replicating fire as it drapes down the lions head. A pink-ish background holds the lion. The word, "Leo" is written above within a rectangle. The astrological sign for Leo is encased within a circle in the lower left corner of the background. Art by San Dra.

Leo is governed by the Sun and is ruler of the 5th house!


Leo is a Fixed Fire sign, as well as a masculine sign.






Color: Gold   Symbol: Lion    Mineral(Alchemy): Gold


    Astro-Medi: Heart and Spine


Tarot Card: Strength    ArchAngel: Raziel





July 23 - August 22


A human skeleton with beautiful golden, wavy hair sits in the lower left corner of a white outlines background. Butterflies of all different colors fly around the skeleton. The word. "Virgo" is written above within a small rectangle. The astrological sign for Virgo sits within a red square above the right side of the background outline. Art by San Dra.

Virgo is governed by Mercury, the Maiden, and is ruler of the 6th house!


Virgo is a Mutable Earth sign, as well as a feminine sign. 






Color: Green + Brown   Animal:      Mineral(Alchemy): Mercury


    Astro-Medi: Intestines and Nervous System


Tarot Card: Hermit   ArchAngel: Metatron





August 23 - Sept. 22


A hand of bone holds an antique weight scale. It is detailed with skulls and bone as well. One the right side the scale drips water, on the left the scale holds a flame. The scale sits above a fiery red and orange background. The word, "Libra" is written above within the smaller rectangle. The astrological sign for Libra sits within a yellow square along the bottom of the background. Art by San Dra.

Libra is governed by Venus, , and is ruler of the 7th house!


Libra is a Cardinal Air sign, as well as a feminine sign. 






Color: Light Blue + Pink   Symbol: Deer   Mineral(Alchemy): Copper


    Astro-Medi: Back and Kidneys


Tarot Card: Justice  ArchAngel: Jophiel





September 23 - October 23


The skeleton of a scorpion sits above a watery blue background. Like the crab, its rec claws and stinger contrast with the white bone. The word, "Scorpio" sits at the top in a smaller rectangle. The astrological sign for Scorpio sits within a purple circle in the bottom right corner of the drawing. Art by San Dra.

Scorpio is governed by Pluto, , and is ruler of the 8th house!


Scorpio is a Fixed Water sign, as well as a feminine sign 





Color: Black   Symbol: Scorpion   Mineral(Alchemy): Plutonium


    Astro-Medi: Genitals and Groin


Tarot Card: Death  ArchAngel: Jeremiel





October 24 - November 21


Above a black background sits a set of bow and arrows. The bow is made out of the skulls and bones, two skeletal hands hold the string of the bow. Three arrows intersect and crisscross below the bow. At the very bottom rests a pile of skulls. The word, "Sagittarius" is written across the top in a orange rectangle. The astrological sign for Sagittarius sits within a yellow square in the bottom right corner. Art by San Dra.

Sagittarius is governed by Jupiter and is ruler of the 9th house!


Sagittarius a Mutable Fire sign, as well as a masculine sign. 





Color: Purple  Symbol: Half-Man/Half-Horse   Mineral(Alchemy): Tin


    Astro-Medi: Hips and Thighs


Tarot Card: Temperance       ArchAngel: Raguel





November 22 - December 21


The skeleton of a goat, with wild curling horns sits above a yellow background. the bottom half of the goat, however, resembles the bones of a fish tail. The word. "Capricorn" is written above in a smaller rectangle. The astrological sign for Capricorn sits within a blue circle on the right side of the yellow background. Art by San Dra.

Capricorn is governed by Saturn and is ruler of the 10th house!


Capricorn is a Cardinal Earth sign, as well as a feminine sign.





Color: Dark Brown + Grey  Symbol: Goat   Mineral(Alchemy): Steel


    Astro-Medi: Knees, Bones, Teeth, and Skin


Tarot Card: Devil or Shadowside       ArchAngel: Azrael




December 22 - January 19


A golden vase is tipped downward in the top right corner. From it flows the watery contents. Within the blue water there are many skulls that fall with it. The word, "Aquarius" is written above in a red rectangle. The astrological sign for Aquarius  sits within a yellow square in the bottom left corner of the white background. Art by San Dra.

Aquarius is governed by Uranus and is ruler of the 11th house!


Aquarius is a Fixed Air sign, as well as a masculine sign. 





Color: Greenish-Blue   Symbol: Water Bearer    Mineral(Alchemy): Uranium


    Astro-Medi: Circulatory system and Ankles 


Tarot Card: The Stars       ArchAngel: Uriel




January 20 - February 18


A yellow background holds two skeletal fish circling each other. The right fishes fins are red with purple ends. The left fishes fins are green with blue ends. The word "Pisces" is written above in a red rectangle. The astrological sign for Pisces sits within a blue square on the left side of the drawing. Art by San Dra.

Pisces is governed by Neptune and is ruler of the 12th house!


Pisces is a Mutable Water sign, as well as a feminine sign. 





Color: Aquamarine   Symbol: Fish   Mineral(Alchemy): Platinum


    Astro-Medi: Feet and Subconscious


Tarot Card: Moon or Fool      ArchAngel: Sandalphon





February 19 - March 20

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