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Dragon Axis Shift/Nodal Transit into Taurus/Scorpio

Writer's picture: astrowitchastrowitch

Written on January 10, 2022, for Patreon

I call this "The Changing of the Guards," Every eighteen months the Universal Dragon energy shifts. Since May 5, 2020, we have been under a negative fire Dragon energy in Gemini/Sagittarius. This energy has brought many things such as Covid (the same dragon the year The Spanish Flu hit) and massive fires, globally. The loss of many animal species, lack of critical thought, and believing conspiracies instead of investigating them on your own. Sadness and exposure to our indigenous communities, the misinformation through media, and a division within the state of its people.

The United States is a Cancer nation and this energy has been sitting on the U.S.A. 6th house of health and service to the world. Our nation is unhealthy, both mentally and physically. We have become a nation where logic and reason are thrown out the door. We have become divided, unkind, racist, and irrational. This is why the very last days of this negative Sagittarius fire dragon are taking so many American lives and giving many people a hard dose of reality.

These past 18 months have brought many things. Let's start with Gemini. The positive energy of Gemini was all about mental stimulation, multi-tasking, discoveries, curiosity, photography, music, seeking the truth, broadcasting, journalism, and writing. This energy can bring a lot of joyous, happy times with lots of laughing and joking going around. Gemini is a dual sign and people with a strong Gemini in their stars will always experience their life happening in doubles, or quadruples, (two, four, six). This energy will also give them a strong physical and mental process.

And this is why, we, as Americans are experiencing a fourth wave of this Covid Virus. Twos, fours, sixes, it's all written in the stars. New York is a Gemini city, hence why they are getting hit so hard with Covid. L. A is also a Gemini city and made headlines these past 18 months with the Covid crisis. Just because the Dragon is riding its head does not mean tragedy and sadness will not occur. Covid is the perfect example of an air dragon bringing a respiratory illness to the world. Gemini rules the respiratory system and has made its presence known.

I also spoke about the tail of this Dragon being a negative fire energy in Sagittarius. We have seen these past 18 months so much sadness. Sagittarius rules medicine, education laws, justice, court, the animal kingdom, indigenous people, foreigners, and foreign lands. Ancient Astrology calls it the "codification of thought." The world at large will begin to question books written by man, and what the good book says. The Sagittarius (Fire) energy will pursue the animal kingdom, educational system, medical profession, religion, indigenous people, and minorities, along with many leaders who have this Sun and Dragon placement in Gemini and Sagittarius such as Donald Trump, and even the Pope. Countries take on this Gemini/Sagittarius energy also and Australia, S. America, California, parts of Arizona, New York, L.A. big cities in general will all make headlines for the next year and a half. More fires, issues with our native brothers fighting for their rights, sadness within the animal kingdom, the stupidity of fearful, and indoctrinated people will plague the world.

Modern Astrology pays very little attention to these Nodal shifts. Vedic (sidereal), Babylonian, Occidental/ Chinese, Draconian (not practiced anymore), and Divine (Nostradamus method) are the only ones that pay any attention to North and South nodes and their housing systems.

In Vedic Astrology, astronomically, Rahu and Ketu denote the points of intersection of the paths of the Sun and the Moon as they move on the celestial sphere. Therefore, Rahu and Ketu are respectively called the north and the south lunar nodes. Rahu is responsible for causing the Eclipse of the Sun. (Google search)

Nostradamus was able to create astrological predictions by incorporating a few ancient methods of astrology to work very well under the Tropical zodiac. He took Draconian methods which represent the soul's purpose in life, mixed them with the teachings of the Dragons energy of Chinese astrology, and used the Babylonian, ancient method and power of the Dragon's placement to see into the future of how all these energies will affect mankind by the house. signs, and some degrees.

The next Dragon shifts on January 18, 2022, thru July 16, 2023, into a Taurus/Scorpio axis. I will say this, "out of all the dragon's tails I fear this one the most." The Scorpio Dragons' tail is very harsh, unloving, and unfeeling energy. Where ever this falls by house and sign, you will feel its wake-up calls, deaths, and transformations. Positive and negative.

Scorpio is either the Eagle(positive) or the Lizard (negative). This Dragon tail will represent the Lizard and all the negative it brings. Scorpio rules, metaphysics, witchcraft, underworld, investigations, investments, morgues, cemeteries, morticians, insurance, police, CIA, FBI, IRS, mafia, sex industry, and dramatic news where death and drama take center stage. The witchcraft community takes a big hit in some way. Lawlessness will arise and the possibility of civil war is not off the table. Deep and hidden secrets are brought to light, so brace yourselves for unsettling news about children, sex trafficking, police disgracefulness, and exposure of politicians, celebrities, and religious figures will all make headlines.

This is where Plutonic souls will feast as psychic vampires, often with resentful, jealous, and dangerous tactics. There will be no fear of laws, and there is no regard for laws. A natural lust for death and drama will prevail. Metaphysical powers are used in the wrong manner and used to control, harm, and manipulate. Witch hunts and some sexual diseases once thought a thing of the past, resurface and make headlines. Sad news will be ahead for Russia and all countries formed in the month of November.

The Dragons head will be in Taurus/Venus energy. This is a beautiful Venetian and earthy dragon energy where we will put more focus on the things that make us feel beautiful, sexy, and rich. With this Dragon be prepared for earth changes such as volcanoes, tornadoes, hurricanes and stress on fault lines will be common. Uranus is also in Taurus so those two together will make the earth shake. Taurus rules beauty, banking, finances, money, wealth, and possessions. We will see a change in the banking system and currency issues leading to a new currency are very possible. People will be into shopping more for vintage goods, antiques, and all sorts of new technology in the beauty and aesthetics world will be introduced. Switzerland makes news and countries formed in the month of May make headlines. Even though England is a Capricorn nation well before borders and boundaries existed, the United Kingdom was formed on May 1, 1707, and will make headlines in the next 18 months with significant news. (The death of Queen Elizabeth 2nd and a New King Charles is crowned)

Many souls will be able to make millions with genius ideas in business, and investing in other people's money. Hard work will bring love and respect to others, and this placement signals where the rich suffer financially, and the poor benefit monetarily. Many of us will get creative and that creativity brings financial freedom and happiness.

This Dragon is directly hunting for all November and May-born souls. We ALL will feel this energy but those born with Scorpio or Taurus moons, suns, risings, and natal and hidden dragon placements in Scorpio and Taurus will feel this more than others. I also will say that for the next 18 months, our Plutonic phases will be stronger, deadlier, and more violent than we have ever seen before. Knowing those "Days of Caution" and your own negative and positive days will help get you through a very rough phase coming up.

The United States will feel this energy on its 11th house of wishes and friends. This means that we will regain or make alliances and friendships with other countries and some of our nation's own wishes get fulfilled. This also means the tail rides America's 5th house of children, love, and creativity. Our children will make headlines in very negative ways. This dragon hunts America and its children. WATCH YOUR KIDS CLOSELY!

The months that will have the most impact on the universe will be May 2022, November 2022, and May 2023. To be more exact, April 30, 2022 - Solar eclipse in Taurus, May 16, 2022 - Lunar eclipse in Scorpio, October 25, 2022 - Solar eclipse in Scorpio, and November 8, 2022 - Lunar Eclipse in Taurus

Forecast and Predictions for 2022/2023 Taurus/Scorpio Axis:

1. Donald Trump will have health issues and his service to the world is exposed. He will not be running in 2024. He will be busy fighting legal battles, possible jail time, and bankruptcy. Stress will bring about poor health and "The Donald" gets a wake-up call.

2. The last Dragon in Sagittarius ruled doctors, medicine, and the Hippocratic oath. This Scorpio Dragon rules insurance and massive bankruptcies will be on the rise due to people not being able to pay their hospital bills. A full restructuring of our health insurance is needed and will expose its corruption. The U.S.A. now begins its major healthcare crisis and exposure of the greedy insurance companies, lobbyists, and politicians who fought hard not to give every U.S. citizen a small measure of public healthcare for its people.

January 19, 2023 - The number of healthcare bankruptcies increased by 84 percent from 2021 to 2022, driven by rising costs, workforce shortages, and high-interest rates, according to a report from Gibbins Advisors. (Google search)

3. With bankruptcies brings foreclosures and I do see the housing market taking a small hit. Nothing like the 2008/09 situation but some of us will benefit from others' misfortune with buying foreclosures.

"Despite efforts made by government agencies and policymakers to try and reduce foreclosure rates, we are seeing an upward trend in foreclosure activity,” said Rob Barber, chief executive officer at ATTOM. Apr 19, 2023 (Google Search)

4. Those who have money saved in precious metals and digital currency will be able to buy goods and services when the American dollar drops so low nobody wants to use it anymore because of its devalued worth. I foresee this more in late 2023 but its coming.

The Vatican is aware of this -

5. Full restructure and exposure of more police secrets and crimes. Not a good time to be a cop for they are in danger and many will die. We will also see the police and FBI involved with things such as sex trafficking and will get exposed. They are being hunted and exposed for their corrupt ways and more and more info will come out exposing them. full restructure of the police force is imminent. - A Judge involved w/sex trafficking's

6. Russia experiences the Scorpio tail as a nation. There will be lots of negative, and tragic news coming from Russia. Issues with Putin, possible health issues for him, or economic issues will arise.

War with Ukraine broke out on 2/24/22

7. Progressive and radical changes ahead in how you do banking and how you spend money. It's very New Age, and somewhat scary but it is written in the stars and mankind's destiny to new digital currency.

Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank fold over the weekend of March 11, 2023, and this is only the beginning.

8. Many will progress forward and make millions or launch new businesses that are very successful. It is the year of the entrepreneur.

9. The IRS get exposed and will be under scrutiny. We have already seen them wanting to tax and monitor Venmo, Cash App, and other sites to charge a tax over $600. They say it's to track illegal tax evasion but in the end, it only hurts the poor.

10. There will be an increase in sexually transmitted diseases and those that were once eradicated come back again. just watch the news headline this next year.

Monkey Pox, polio in NYC water system.

New numbers from the CDC show a surge of sexually transmitted infections in the United States with no signs of slowing. In 2021, there were 2.5 million cases of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis.

11. Cyber-attacks and crimes will be on the rise. Cybercrimes in general will be really bad. Check all you’re accounts frequently and take all precautions with your own computer, PC, or laptop. Watch all crypto, bank accounts, and credit cards. Hacks social media too.

12. There will be an increase in murders and rapes and very negative news about sex workers and that industry make headlines.

13. Lots of advancement in science and medicine within the beauty and cosmetic surgery department. There will be lots of great deals on clothing and beauty too.

Web satellite has brought incredible images from outer space. (Science)

14. . Dark celestial energy is about to reign, making anything haunted, paranormal, or ghostly 100x more intense, active, and powerful. This energy is not for the novice paranormal investigator. Mess around with things you have little experience with and you may find yourself in possession or attachment of these energies.

15. Witch hunts are revived in 2022 and not a good year to be a witch. Watch your back, put up your wards, and call for protection because we are going to need it.

Many evangelicals have posted that they want 'witch burnings " again.

16. Those that are inexperienced in the magickal world will pay the price for their ignorance.

17. Spiritual warfare among the metaphysical community. I already see it on Tiktok or Witchtok. The Witch against the witch, hex against a hex, a curse against the curse. Even that community is cosmically unconscious and will pay a heavy price for conjure without justification. Just go look at Witchtok

18. All Plutonic phases increase 100x more. This will make them more violent, intense, and dangerous.

19. Wake-up calls for all humans. Where ever this falls, we have hard realities to face.

20. This Dragon is in the U.S.A. Children and a full exposure of sex trafficking ring exposing many prominent, famous, political or religious leaders will get exposed. We will see our own police force involved with sex trafficking too. It will be shocking.

In the government's 2022 fiscal year, the department found that 3,800 children had been employed by more than 800 companies in violation of child labor laws. Officials are currently overseeing over 600 probes into potential child labor exploitation. Feb 27, 2023

21. Lots of death news about children in the coming months ahead and an increase in murders, rapes, and cyber theft.

Way too many to keep track of.

22. Possible civil war to begin around Aug/Sept or Oct/Nov. as the United States meets its very first Pluto return on Feb. 20 -22. It will bring revolutionary times where we will have to accept the atrocities this nation has done to others. Specifically our POC and First Nation brothers and sisters. The ground will spill more blood as more graves are discovered in this Dragon phase.

I realize now that the civil war is in the monetary market at the moment.

Be prepared after Nov. 8 for the worst days of the USA. This election could be deadly. Dates to watch Nov. 7/8/ 12/13 21/22/23

23. We had an energy crisis over the summer with cyber hacks and this will strike again hitting possibly our power grids, water supply, and internet. Stock up on water, batteries, portable generators, and things to help just in case this happens in your neck of the woods.

On December 3, 2022, in Moore County, NC a shooting attack was carried out on two electrical distribution substations located in Moore County, North Carolina, United States. Damage from the attack left up to 40,000 residential and business customers without electrical power.

Politico examined the federal records on attacks on power stations, substations, and related equipment and determined assaults “are at their highest level since at least 2012, including 101 reported this year through the end of August. . . . The previous peak was the 97 incidents recorded for all of 2021.”Dec 27, 2022

24. Disclosure and secrets come to light about our involvement with E.Ts, and UFOs.

25. Joe Biden will do all he can to help the American people. He truly does love this country but doesn't understand the new world that is prevailing. Now with that being said...I am coming from a cosmic perspective more than a political one. Biden has a lot of positive transitions and progressions happening within his own personal chart this year(2022). My only worry is that since he is a Scorpio, this Dragon is hunting for him so he will need to be very careful because an attempted assassination or health issues are possible.

26. I feel nuts for saying this but anytime you have a Scorpio Dragons tail it represents death, rebirth, resurrections, meaning the dead come back to life. Either in the metaphysical realm or the mundane. This energy hunts for the rich and the famous and lots of those deaths will be on the rise these next 18 months but a possibility of a famous person coming back to life is very possible....such as a faked death. Watch the news and stay tuned.

26 billionaires have passed since 2022!

27. New technology with the internet and a brand new way to use the upgraded Web 3 that comes out.

Just Google Web 3!

Those are the 2022/2023 Taurus/Scorpio Dragons' axis. Violent times are ahead and I will not sugarcoat what I'm seeing. Once this Dragon has ended and we move into the Aries/Libra Dragon on July 17, 2023, we will see less about left and right, blue or red, democrat or republican, and more about equality, and justice for all, but this is only after we experience the Aries/Libra energy and its warlike nature. This does not mean those parties won't be there but change is coming in our political system, monetary system, and our communities. It will be about helping one another. All I can say is "Thank Goddess" that Jupiter is in Pisces as this will help to aid compassion and kindness within our citizens once again. We have to expect the worst but hope for the best and take it one day at a time.

I'm wishing all of you a very safe and positive transition into this next dragon energy. Be safe!

Astro -Strega

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