Im a few days late....sorry! We are in a Uranic energy phase from Dec.16,17,18. Be aware! On Dec.17,2020 Saturn finally leaves Capricorn and moves into Aquarius where it will station for three years. Saturn rules government, authority, discipline, and structure. Aquarius rules technology, UFOS, free thought, radical changes. Souls born with this natal placement can have many friends, some of them older or even challenging in someway. This is high psychic energy, and is best used to create progressive groups, and work with others for the common good. The negative aspect to this placement is a lack of no friends or a fear of having friends or joining groups. Even involvement with militias if there is natal conflicts.
On Saturday, Dec.19,2020 Jupiter (Lord of Luck) enters into Aquarius(New Age) where it will stay for one year. With Jupiter entering into futuristic Aquarius, major advancements with hi-tech, science, space exploration, astrology, New Age and how we advance as a nation through virtual, scientific, and technology endeavors. Souls born with this natal placement will be blessed with gifts in aeronautics, space endeavors, electronics, computers, and anything futuristic or involving outer space and alien life.
Both these planets bring us to two major astrological events, and a very special Winter Solstice on Monday, Dec.21 The first day of winter is greeted with "The Great Jupiter Saturn Conjunction." This happens every twenty years but this time it is in 0 degrees of Aquarius making it a true Aquarian shift. Jupiter and Saturn will be within less then 0.01 degree of each other reflecting the appearance of one giant star as they merge together. The Magi star as I call it. This event hasn't happened in over 800 years. The Age of Aquarius began back in the 40s,50s or 60's but this astrological event will begin its reign, where free thinking, freedom of thought, humanity, community, brotherly love, help thy neighbor, radical, and shocking changes will occur. This is a once in a lifetime event.
Mercury enters Capricorn on Sunday, Dec.20,2020 and our communication turns serious, and businesslike. We will make sure all things are complete on our to-do-lists. Souls born with a natal Mercury(communication ) in Capricorn will be very rational, and logical thinkers. They are down to earth, practical, and organized. They are the engineers or devil of the zodiac.
The Sun moves into Capricorn on Dec.21 too. Happy Birthday to all Capricorns. Capricorns are the hardest working souls. The are responsible, dedicated, and many have a dry wit about them. Their downfall can be snobbery, greed, or miser with their wealth, and work with no play can take its toll on their psyche.
We close out the year with a Full Moon in Cancer on Tuesday,Dec.29,2020. We opened the year with this placement and we closes the year with a Full Moon in Cancer. This represents Divine Feminine energy and women's spirituality. I will explain more in my Full Moon Forecast.
I have three Llewellyn's Moon Sign Book 2021 in stock and Im offering it with three months FREE of your Lucky/Unlucky Days. I only have three in stock so grab this offer while you can.
Wishing you all a Blessed Solstice, Merry Xmas, and a happy, healthy New Year.
Blessed Be!