We start the week off in a Plutonic phase once again. From Dec.2 - Dec.8th, these are you're Days of Caution. FBI,police,CIA,Russia,dramatic news,sex,rape,porn industry, death and drama will all make the headlines.Stay out of large crowds or pay the price. Stick to what is familiar and if you do go out please watch your surroundings. All of mans evil prevails under these stars. And please check your bank accounts as this is the perfect time for you to get ripped off.
Mercury has moved back into Scorpio as of Dec.2nd and stays there until Dec. 12 making us once again look deeper into matters. Mercury goes direct Dec.6 and we can go out and buy all those electronic gifts,automobiles, and sign important contracts now, just wait until the moon goes new. Its a green light for those types of purchases.
On Dec.7th we have a New Moon in Sagittarius giving us added energy,Start something new,socialize and do something that makes you happy. Its o.k. to buy a gift for yourself and others. Sagittarius rules the animal world so give that pet their forever home. You're Astrologer is thinking of getting herself a dog and I'm using the stars to find that perfect pet. Remember, even animals are ruled by this energy. Please consider a shelter pet first as so many need loving homes.
Have a wonderful week, be safe and I will post your New Moon forecast in a day or so. Blessings!