We start the week of with St. Patrick's Day on March 17th. A day of religious celebration of the traditional death date of Saint Patrick. He was known for removing the snakes from Ireland but those snakes were not snakes but Pagans and their Celtic traditions. In the United States its a day to get piss pouring drunk....lol. The Moon will be waning so drink with caution and stay safe.
We have "Days of Caution" on March 18,19,20. We move into a Uranic phase where the energies are all about shocking news(mass quarantines nation wide), bizarre,scientific,technology, weird news, earthquakes,tsunamis,explosions,nukes, electricity and aeronautics.News about Space X,Nasa,UFOs,ETs and the cosmos. The countries of Japan,China,Korea and Asia in general always make the news. Done not fly under this energy and look to the stars for an incredible show .
The Sun enters into Aries on March 19,2020. This energy is all about taking action,after the New Moon ,of course. Its about having a plan and setting it into place once this Moon is New in Aries on March, 24,2020. Some very powerful energy is coming later this month.And the next New Moon will be intense. This is also the day of the Spring Equinox and the days are at an even strength and balance for a few days. There is a balance within us and around us, even in these uncertain times. Look into nature, meditate,watch movies and shows that are positive in nature over fearful,especially the news. Bring balance into your life and try not to let anxiety set in. The plants are blooming, birds are in abundance and chirping away.Spring is busy,energetic, and fruitful. More about the Aries New Moon for 2020 in my next newsletter.
One of the sign changes with the most impact will be Saturn leaving old fashioned Capricorn for New Age, free thinking, and rebellious Aquarius on March 21, 2020. Saturn is stationed in one of the best positions. Progressive groups and actions will take place within the next few years. Saturn will return into Capricorn in July before making a permanent station in Aquarius in December for the next 3 years.What happens between March 21 - July 1.,2020 will set the tone for things to come in 2021. Saturn (government,politics and structure) in Aquarius (brotherly love,universal love, and progressive action) might be the U.S.A and other counties salvation. Only time will tell.
The next ten days are very uncertain for myself and all my followers globally who read my newsletters. My friends in Puerto Rico are under Marshal Law this evening with no one allowed to leave their homes. If we all end up quarantined, I promise to give daily affirmations of hope and strength as much as I can through my containment. We will all be going a little stir crazy.I highly advise you to stock up on the necessities for at least two-weeks.Many blessings to all.Stay safe,stay health and be vigilant.
Blessed Be!