Well....it's going to be quit a week ahead with Days of Caution, Full Moon and many planets going Rx. We start with a Dragon Energy shift on May 6, 2020. The axis moves again into Gemini/Sagittarius energy and stays for 18 months. Here is my last newsletter and broadcast about this energy. https://www.astrologywitch.com/post/energy-shift-5-6-20-1-20-22-gemini-sagittarius-air-fire-dragon-energy
We have a Plutonic energy shift the very same day the Nodes of the Moon shift, creating very intense energy. The "Days of Caution" are 6/7/8. This energy always bring violence, mafia matters,sexual issues,rape,trafficking,porn,murder,cyber crimes, the police,investigations, FBI and or CIA,terrorism and of course it does prey on the rich and famous. This energy is all about death,drama,rebirth,and transformation. Be safe, do not go anywhere unfamiliar, and always check your bank account because this is the perfect time for thieves.
We have a powerful Full Moon in Scorpio on May 7, 2020 at 6:45 a.m EDT. This is a time of witchcraft, secrets,metaphysical knowledge, death and drama, transformations, beginnings, sex and intimacy. Where ever Scorpio is placed in ones chart, you will feel this energy by house, and sign. Full Moon Forecast to follow in a few days.
Sunday, May 10,2020 is Mother's Day! Happy Mother's Day to all my clients,friends,family, and those who follow. The energy should feel lighter as we pull out of the negative Pluto energy. The very same day we have Saturn going Rx until September. When the planet of responsibility,hard work, career, and accomplishments moves backwards, its a time to reflect on your duties, performance, sorrow, and financial burdens the past few months. Reflect on where you could of done better, made better choices, or handled situations differently. You have five months to think about it and reflect.
Mercury enters Gemini on Monday, May 11, 2020, and the planet of communication is in it's governing sign. This will be a great time for negotiations, good communication, increased mental stimulation, curiosity, and usually your phone, and email will be busy.Souls born with this placement will be chatter boxes, running their mouths constantly. and not knowing when to be quiet. They are talented with photography, natural born writers,translators, and have a gift for communication.
Mars moves into Pisces on Wednesday, May 13,2020. The fiery planet of action, and aggression gets watered down by the energy of Pisces. This energy is at odds with each other, and can create less strengths and more weaknesses, and its harder for many to have discipline or willpower. The positive energy is to create something.Working on your projects, passions, and hobbies is a great way to use this active energy. Souls born with this placement will be involved with Navy,divers, boat racing, spiritual endeavors from philosophy to religion.The negative aspect can have some souls with negative emotions, and addictions to drugs and alcohol.
The very same day Venus, the planet of love and finances goes Rx for the next forty days. This means that you should not get married,engaged or even take things to the next level in your relationships until this planet goes direct on June 25,2020. Venus rules finances, and this is not the time to make investments with money. The Venus retro grade is a time to review your money matters, and your love life. This also can indicate past lovers popping in to say "hello."
Last but not least, we have Jupiter, The Lord of Luck going Rx (retro) on May 14, and stays there until September 12,2020. This will be a time when money may not flow as easily so be conservative with your money the next several months. This is the time to dive into learning new things, higher knowledge, tapping into your inner self,and finding out what makes you happy. This also is a time to tap into "what you really want in the realm of success."
We end this ten day cycle with another "Days of Caution" for May 12/13/14 and we move into the shocking Uranic phase. This energy brings shocking news, explosions, crazy weather, electrical problems(lightning), earthquakes,volcanoes,tornadoes, hurricanes, Space X, nasa,UFO and E.T news,aeronautics and bizarre and weird always make the headlines.
This is going to be a crazy week full of so many energy shifts that it might feel impossible to ground ourselves. People will have higher anxieties and not feel well or have headaches. Do your best to touch base with nature using one of the four elements of earth, air,water, and fire. We all resonate strongly with one or two of these elements, and it will help to calm, sooth, and ground. Stay safe and Blessed Be.
My you tube channel: https://youtu.be/YddhWjxd02U