We start off the week very violently, and find ourselves moving into the Plutonic phase.(Hurrican Dorien) Days of Caution are September 1, 2, 3, 4. We will see terrorism, more death,drama,transformations, FBI news.Russia news,death of the rich and famous, and sex news will make the headlines this week. Once again my warning is this " stay away from large crowds,know your surroundings,check your finances and bank accounts, no blind dates with strangers for you may end up dealing with a rapist or worse.....
Things will seem very intense this week.With many planets in Virgo, we may find ourselves not able to do it all. This energy turns us into worker bee's but we must also rest and recharge ourselves too. Sept. 5&6 the waxing moon slips into philosophical Sagittarius. We will feel more inclined to socialize,plan a trip,take on a new study and it is the perfect time for getting new pets as Sagittarius rules the animal world. By the weekend we will be influenced by a Capricorn Moon making us more inclined to want to work, work, work and get things done. The energy are abundant now with Virgo and Capricorn but please have some fun too.
Magickal Folk: Plutonic phases bring great power for many of us who practice magick. Monday and Tuesday are perfect for any thing in the world of Scorpio. So sex magick,ailments of sexuality, contacting the dead and paranormal investigating is good. Next is Sagittarius, and this energy is great for spells to bind your pets to you and keep them safe,spells for court cases and ailments of lower back,hips and thighs. We close out the weekend with a Capricorn Moon energy and any thing dealing with career,accomplishments and climbing that mountain to success will be blessed. Spells treating ailments of the skin, teeth and bones will be good to do. Happy Magick Making!
Wishing everyone a Happy Labor Day and a safe week ahead.