We start this week of with the Sun entering Libra on Tuesday, September 22, 2020, and things begin to take on a more peaceful and balanced energy. This is also the Fall Equinix or as us Pagans call it "Mabon." We welcome in the first day of fall! The focus is all about balance, and the next two days will bring the days and nights to an even balance, where harmony, and peace will prevail. It is a time to enjoy the beauty of nature, and what she has to behold. This energy is all about connecting with other people, bringing harmony, and positive outlooks on life. Venus is her ruler so enjoy her Venus like energy.
Mercury enters Scorpio on Sunday, September 27,2020. The emotions become darker, deeper ,and with more introspect. This is where our speech can become more sarcastic, vindictive, and brutally frank and truthful. Souls born with this placement will be natural born investigator's either of the paranormal or mundane world. These souls will do well with the realm of science, medicine, metaphysics, the corporate world of investments, insurance, and police force.
We have "Days of Caution" for September 26/27/28 and the energy turns into an Uranic Phase. The truth will be everything now, and the energy will be shocking and very surprising. We will hear of NASA news, Space X, UFO'S ,ETS and the bizarre and unbelievable can and will make headlines. Asia always makes the news with this energy along with major earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, earth changes, and erratic ,electrical weather. Aeronautics also makes headlines and this isn't the time to fly , whether a waxing or waning Moon phase.
On September 29,2020 Saturn in Capricorn moves direct. This energy brings our responsibility's to the front lines. Challenges are common, and we must keep strong , and move forward. There may be delays but they are sent in place for a purpose, and lesson's to be learned. Saturn always teaches us a lesson.
Wishing everyone one a every blessed week ahead.
Blessed Be!