We have a Full Moon and a sign change coming this week. The Sun will move into the philosophical sign of Sagittarius on Nov. 22 (Thanksgiving Day). Making us feel more adventurous,outgoing and lucky for some. That same day and the 23rd for Europe and Asia, we have a Full moon in Gemini @12:39 A.M EST, 9:39 P.M PST on 11/23.
You're Black Friday will be chaotic, long lines, electronic problems, miscommunication, people fighting over materialistic stuff. Humans will display how low we as a nation have come. Mercury is in retro-grade making things confusing,frustrating and mentally exhausting. Stay home and shop on- line but if you must shop on Black Friday remember the rule for Merc. Retro. no new electronic equipment including cell phones,printers,computers, new cars and even appliances. Used cars are ok but not after the Full Moon. Follow a few simple celestial rules and you will be fine.
Wishing everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving and a great week.Happy Thanksgiving!