Full Moon in Futuristic Aquarius
We have a Full Super Moon in Aquarius on Thursday, August 11, 2022 @ 9:36 p.m. EDT. This is the last super moon of the year. This is also called “The Sturgeon Moon.” This meaning comes from the annual Full Moon in August for its abundance of sturgeon caught in the great lakes area of the United States.
This is not a Full Moon to sneeze at, and when the Moon fall’s full In Aquarius you can expect earth changes to follow suit. After all, Aquarius’s ruling planet is Uranus, and this is where the earth comes alive with hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanos, intense weather patterns, electrical storms etc. Aeronautics and space news are always in the headlines too. Electronics usually act up at this time so it is a good idea to purchase those items before the Full Moon but do expect issues with them, and electricity, lightning, and explosions too.
Let’s not forget that Saturn, ruler of politics is in Aquarius (rebellion), and retrograde so our government will review laws, take it slow and steady, and be observant to the challenges faced. In the end, I do feel boundaries will be set in place for many of the radical outcomes these past few months.
We will hear about shocking news in the next two weeks and even the strange and bizarre make headlines as always. Not to worry or panic anyone but this is the very same energy that brought the Mandalay Bay Hotel mass shooting back in 2017. Just be aware of your surroundings. Flying should be avoided but if you have to fly just purchase those in the right stars and you will be fine.
The positive side of Aquarius is all about groups, friends, friendships, clubs, and unions. It rules humanitarian issues, brotherly love, community, group events; star gazing, rebellion, science, radical changes, technology, and freedom. However, Aquarius Full Moons also represent surprising, and even shocking developments to manifest too.
The zodiac signs that will feel this energy the most will be Aquarius, of course, but also Libra and Gemini. Souls born with a moon in Aquarius, ascendant (rising), Dragon head or tail (N. and S. nodes of Moon) all in Aquarius will feel the energy shift the most. Some earth signs will feel this in their financial/ career/employment sector in some way.
Magickal Folk: The Aquarius Full Moon energy is perfect for spell work dealing with creative expression, extra sensory issues, breaking old habits, freedom, scientific endeavors, and friendships are perfect. Spell work for ailments of the circulatory system, blood, calves and ankles are best done now too.
These next few weeks will be filled with headlines of shocking news, earthquakes, deadly weather patterns, space news, and more financial turmoil is brewing. More radical news within the world of politics as Pluto in Capricorn is taking its final breath of draconian ruler ship. It is a wonderful time for star gazing, astrology and tarot readings and divination of all sorts.
Have a wonderful full moon and a blessed few weeks.
Astro -Strega