Full Moon in Virgo
We have a Full Moon on Tuesday, March 7, 2023, at 7:40 a.m. EST. This is also called the Worm Moon/Sap Moon because the worms begin to merge from the ground after their long winter's nap or hibernation. This Full Moon is all about our hopes and our dreams as the Equinox season is here once again, and nature begins to come alive, bursting with life and fertility.
This Full moon energy will be about mindfulness towards better health, fitness, diet, purity, perfection, organization, holistic medicine, textiles, connecting with nature, and green magick. Virgo has to be the pillar of perfection, purity, and cleanliness, and they usually have good organization skills and are the pillar of good health. This energy also tends to make us more critical of others, and just a little reminder "no one is perfect."
Virgo is the green thumb of the zodiac and this Moon is all about planting and growing, and its that time of year when we begin to prep our gardens after the long winter, and begin to plan, and plant for the season ahead.
The main objective of this Virgo Moon energy is to clean out the clutter, both physically and spiritually. Virgo is there to improve our lifestyles for the better. Get all of those health commitments in place, resolve bad habits, and get those check-ups. This is the perfect time to have a yard sale, sell used stuff online like Poshmark, or Etsy. All Earth signs and Pisces will feel this energy strongly but Virgo Sun, Moon, rising and Dragon's head/tail in Virgo are the ones that will feel it the most. This energy does tend to make many of us somewhat neurotic perfectionists who can tend to overthink things and focus on the tree instead of the entire forest. We can be extremely critical of ourselves and others. Please give yourself a big pat on the back for a job well done and do not be so hard on thy self. All lessons learned are always a learning experience for all of us.
Spending should be kept to a minimum these next few weeks, and even economists are saying not to spend for the next eighteen months due to a rise in everything that will continue. These next few weeks are to prep the home, and garden, and release the old. Make a list of the materials you need and buy them when the moon is waxing and in a more positive state. This Full Moon is all about organizing your workspace both professionally, personally, and spiritually. It’s about making plans for later on, planting something, and watching it grow.
Magickal Folk
Whether the practitioner is working for themselves or others this Virgo Full Moon should always start with a good smoke cleansing of the home, computer area, bedrooms, car, business, and magickal space. An earthy Full Moon in Virgo is the green witch energy, a healer with herbs, tinctures, holistic medicine, and the natural born gardener.
This full moon is perfect for any sort of spell work for employment, to manifest a better job, learning holistic arts, pursuits in writing, and for better health and fitness are all blessed under these stars. Especially with the Spring Equinox right around the corner on Monday, March 20th, 2023.
This Equinox falls on a Dark Moon Phase and “The Equinoxes,” both Spring and Fall are a time when the next few days and nights are of even balance and strength. It is the perfect time to create that energy that releases the negative and brings balance and harmony within ourselves and our home.
Balance and harmony is the key to better health both mentally and physically, as it creates harmony by; setting those intentions in place to grow and flourish for the warmer seasons ahead.
Spell work on March 20th should involve some sort of banishing of old habits, and people, and prepping for the planting of herbs, flowers, trees, or veggie and fruit gardens. Get out your green thumb and make it grow because the very next day on March 21 we have a New Moon in Aries.
These next few weeks we are all operating on a more critical level, and we all must try not to be too critical of ourselves or others. This week's Full Moon energy will be all about your mental process, working life, health, employment, beginnings, and endings. The mental process will be tested and will make us feed into hidden fears. The best way to avoid this is to turn off all negative rhetoric and point the focus toward health, cleanup, and detoxing. Joining a health club, diet program, juice cleans, better food, and better life choices are required. This is also a great time to kick a bad habit like smoking, drinking, or poor eating. Do not sign any contracts now and wait for better stars on March 21 to progress forward with plans.
There will be high-drama scenarios and someone famous possibly will leave this world these next few weeks. In my Tarot for this Full Moon, I did mention former president Jimmy Carter has been sent to hospice. We all know that this is an end-of-life decision and may he transition peacefully. And radical developments concerning health, science, discovery, space, aeronautics, insane weather, electrical issues, earthquakes, explosions, eruptions, shocking events, and news of the strange or weird. Stay away from all air travel during the Uranic phase.
Wishing you all a very blessed Full Moon. Be safe and make this a time of deep study and focus.
Astro Strega