We have a Full Moon in Cancer on Jan.10,2020 at 2:12 p.m EST and a penumbral lunar eclipse that will be visible on Friday evening to those in Asia, Australia, Europe and Africa. Those in North America will have a more difficult time seeing it because it begins at 12:06 p.m. ET and ends at 4:14 p.m. ET.
This major energy shift will be right on the United States of America which is a Cancer nation (July 4,1776) and the same energy that brought 9/11 is back and the United States should expect drama to arise again or in the near future. POTUS will not remedy this as he has no tact or allies for that matter and his mouth will just create more divide and unrest unless he actually starts listening to our generals and military commanders. Beginnings and ending are instore for us as a nation
Cancer Full Moons represent significant events and major changes personally and globally. This is also divine feminine energy and we begin 2020 with a Cancer Full Moon and we will end 2020 with one too. This will signify the female energy and the rise of power in women. Lets not forget Saturn is in Capricorn and also called the "Season of the Witch" making women strong, powerful and unbreakable.
Uranus turns direct on Jan.10, 2020 making Mother Earth come back alive with tornadoes,earthquakes, volcanoes and sever weather. And something that I must bring attention too is the major conjunction of Pluto and Saturn on Jan.12th creating stress and trauma to the stock markets, banking industry,corporations, government, and the global economy. Digital currency will make headlines in someway and with a Dragons tail in a Capricorn axis, the final breath of this karmic dragon will expose the corruption and misuse of money and power making it a very bitter pill for some Americans to swallow. Get out your popcorn because the news is about to get even crazier,if that is even possible but the stars never lie.
Your two week forecast by house and sign:
Aries: Abrupt changes are coming in the homelife, family dynamics, and emotional issues. Career and relocation may be instore for many Aries. Do not fight these energies as the universe has better for you in the future.
Taurus: Distressing news coming from the family circle making your mental process unfocused and erratic. Stay strong and be positive for negative thoughts will breed negative outcomes.
Gemini: Money will have to be spent on the family or the home. It will be worth it in the end so don't fret about it too much.
Cancer: This Full moon energy is right on you Cancer. Changes are a must within the world of business and domestic matters. Emotional stress is ahead but you will learn life lessons from it, and it will make you stronger.
Leo: Your subconscious will be strong, dreams meaningful, and the past must be left in the past. The future looks very bright Leo and well deserved opportunities are on the way.
Virgo: Getting out and being social will do you a world of good.Many friends will bring wishes and some friends may leave your life at this time too.
Libra: Progressive changes are ahead with your career and accomplishments. This energy maybe a bit stressful for the next few weeks but the big picture looks very promising. Be patient.
Scorpio: New studies and posible trips are ahead of you. Big changes in the world of higher education, foreigners and foreign lands. Publishing could be on the agenda too.
Sagittarius: Inheritances or legacy is possible now but remember with both Saturn and Pluto stationed in your 2nd house you must give in order to receive so don't be a greedy Sag with your money for karma will repay you both positive and negative. Its your choice which path you choose.
Capricorn: Beginnings and endings are ahead within the domestic and business circles. Working on yourself and your partnerships will have the best impact now.Its not wrong to put thyself first for once.You deserve it Cappy.
Aquarius: Your health and service to the world will see dramatic changes. Health will improve after the waning moon phase and new opportunities will be offered.
Pisces: Children will bring both stress and joy now but it will be worth it in the end. Love might come shining thru too.
We go into this Full Moon eclipse with "days of cation" for Jan.8,9, 10,11 and as you can see from the news, beginnings and endings,USA news, abrupt relocations for many families.Life and death (Iranian Airliner down) and so on. All water signs will feel this Moons impact the most but with it being a Lunar Eclipse ALL of us will feel it in someway. Be safe and have a blessed Full Moon.