Tuesday, November 8th 2022 is a day that will go down in the history books, both politically and cosmically. It is Election Day (midterms) here in the U.S.A. We have a Full Moon in Taurus at 6:02 a.m. EST, and a Lunar Eclipse beginning at 5:17- 6:42 a.m. EST on (peak totality at 5:59 a.m. EST) 4:17- 5:42 a.m. The West coast and East Coast will be able to see this event between 2- 5 a.m. PST. This is also the first Election Day, total lunar eclipse in U.S. history, and this won’t happen again until November 8, 2394.
This has significant meaning for the world at large and the U.S.A. as this will never happen again in our lifetime or our children’s or grandchildren’s. There is a death within politics, our economy and how we do business. A literal, death, rebirth, and a transformation of the nation, our monetary system and its people are ahead. There is strong feminine energy with this moon phase and many women from both parties will be elected.
Lunar Eclipses are an internal energy we feel, and have more intense emotions that come along with them. It’s all about death/rebirth/transformation, and its taking place in money oriented Taurus. A financial death for many but also a financial rebirth too. We may also hear of dramatic news with police, secrets of sex or sexual abuse, the dishonest and manipulation will get exposed too, especially in an election year. Buckle up because it’s going to get real crazy, real fast.
Let’s take a look at what sign this eclipse is in; Taurus is steady, strong, stubborn and hard working. It rules banking, finances, wealth, beauty, massage, aesthetics and music (singing). Venus is its ruling planet, ruler of love and beauty but also finances. Venus the goddess of security and money, and this is going to produce setback with goods, services, and commodities, so be prepared.
The next two weeks will bring a violent and volatile uprising, especially at the polls to vote, and thereafter. My Patreon family have the “Days of Caution” for November and that will guide them through the dark days of November. For $5 per month you can join here: https://www.patreon.com/AstroStrega
Here in my own state we have armed citizens at voting stations and ballot drop off sights trying to intimidate citizens who vote. And this is happening all over the United States but mostly in the “conceal and carry” states. There could be stress and disaster to the stock markets, financial institutions, and corporations, creating devastating financial news for many of us, especially when a nation is divided like The United States. There are many in the financial sector that are warning of November 16 as the day many could lose their 401K as a major shift in the economy is set to happen around this date.
There are dramatic changes taking place behind the scenes in the financial world, and ten to fifteen years from now we will not be using the American dollar as currency, and the global financial market will be unrecognizable. The world will be on a global digital currency, CBDC (crypto-currency). We are being distracted with the election, Kanye West and his shit show, The Royals, and entertainment media in general, and while everyone is looking one way, no one is looking the other way. Remember, whoever controls the money, will control the people and the media. May 2023 will be a bombshell month so stay tuned.
On a more positive outlook, this energy is ruled by Venus, (beauty and wealth) so enjoy some fine arts museums, good music, and beauty and salon treatments but do not change your looks too drastically as you may change your mind later when the moon shifts. We may feel like splurging at this time with new clothing, a new haircut, or day spa. Just don't go into debt doing it and after the Full Moon, its best to look for vintage or second hand items instead of buying brand new. If a deal seems too good to be true at this time then it is probably a scam so be cautious and DO NOT invest after the Full Moon. These next few weeks are perfect to looking at your finances. Please remember this is the month they launch CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency), and coming to all of us around December 22/23, 2022. This isn’t where you want to have your money and investments as CBDC isn’t a decentralized crypto but rather a digital currency which is controlled by the FEDS.
All the earth signs (Taurus, Capricorn, and Virgo) will feel this eclipse very strongly, and Scorpio too. If you have a birthday between November 6 and November 10, significate changes are ahead. Those born with a Sun, Moon, rising, Dragon head/tail in Taurus will feel this lunar eclipse energy too.
Magickal Folk: There are many practitioners that will not work any magick on Lunar Eclipses, and that’s ok. However, I don't have to tell any of you how powerful, potent, magickal and very spiritual this Full Moon is. Not only is the month of November for doing workings as the veils thin in regards to ancestor work, and necromancy but also shadow work on ourselves as the moon wans. Taurus Magic is all about beauty, love, wealth and finance's. Spells for any of these topics will be blessed. Healing rituals for the neck, throat, and ears will work well too.
I hate to be Debbie Downer but buckle up for a very bumpy ride; especially after November 8, 2022. If you can vote early, do it. As I would steer clear of voting booths, election volunteering, protests or rallies for your favorite candidates. As it could get you killed in the process by very dark, evil, indoctrinated Plutonic souls. I’m not trying to scare you and you should vote, just know your surroundings and be aware. There will be exposure of voter fraud, not excepting voting election outcomes, and deceit in general in regards to elections. And while they have you looking one way, the greatest financial reset in human history is about to unfold.
The United States is on the brink of internal war, along with more Russia/Ukraine issues, China/Taiwan, and North Korea is flexing too. Lunar eclipses have a tendency take somethings away or a hypothetical death and a rebirth of some sort. Will the U.S.A. return to a democracy again or will it become a fascist nation where citizens’ don’t have any rights. Will we progress forward or move back 100 years. Religion has no place in politics as it is the separation of church and state but politics birthed religion thousands of years ago. When the illusions of Neptune hold hands with the Saurian conservative structure of Saturn it will create a fear within its own people. People in fear are more controllable. So Fear not, vote, and make your voice be heard. The United States is on the brink of internal war, along with more Russia/Ukraine issues, China/Taiwan, and North Korea is flexing too. Lunar eclipses have a tendency take somethings away or a hypothetical death and a rebirth of some sort. Will the U.S.A. return to a democracy again or will it become a fascist nation where citizens’ don’t have any rights. Will we progress forward or move back 100 years. Religion has no place in politics as it is the separation of church and state but politics birthed religion thousands of years ago. When the illusions of Neptune hold hands with the Saterian conservative structure of Saturn it will create a fear within its own people. People in fear are more controllable. So fear not, vote, and make your voice be heard.
On a personal note about myself, I am a registered Independent and I vote according to my preference. I do realize that the red and the blue, democrat and republican are one and the same or of the same bird. However, when my own daughters have less rights then I do all because of some religious bullshit, the Dems have my vote.
In the 1st Amendment of the Constitution it states “The First Amendment provides that Congress make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting its free exercise.” I’m going to share something that will be in my Crypto class in a few weeks. Nostradamus himself saw this energy happening 550 years ago. From Quatrain of Century 1: Quatrain 53: He wrote: ‘Alas, how we will see a great nation sorely troubled and the holy law in utter ruin. Christianity (governed) throughout by other laws, when a new source of gold and silver is discovered."
In this Quatrain he is referring to the Christian right/ white nationalists who are making Jesus Christs holy worlds of ‘love thy neighbor” and helping the weak, poor and less fortunate a total contradiction within its self. People have lost their Christ Consciousness and true evil stands at the pulpits of churches with ignorant pastors leading a fearful and indoctrinated flock of promoting violence if someone is different than them. And with a bible in one hand and hate in their heart spewing their rhetoric. The new source of gold is crypto currency but also the metal and alchemy of the Gods, Gold!
Blessed Full Moon Eclipse, be safe and get out the vote. Be the change you want to see in the world. We are all in this together for we are of One Earth, One People.
Astro - Strega