Happy Birthday Scorpio! Scorpio - Oct.23 - Nov.22 Ruler of 8th House
Planet: Pluto Mineral: Plutonium Animal: Scorpion/Eagle Color: Scarlet Red
Tarot Card: Death Card (rebirth and transformation) Archangel: Jeremiel
The symbol of life and death, rebirth and transformation
Scorpio rules investigations, medicine, metaphysics, mysticism, underworld, witchcraft, and the occult world. This is where the souls experiences drama, life and death, and transformation. This sign is all about sexuality, taxes, insurance, inheritance, other's money or joint finances, and deep secrets, It rules the police, IRS,MOB,CIA,FBI and rules the country of Russia. This is where legacies take place. Where ever Scorpio is in ones chart, drama will appear and for some, your astrologer included (born with Jupiter in Scorpio) it represents the witchcraft residue or particle creating the natural born witch. A gift many Scorpio’s have.
Scorpio's greatest lesson is to rise above jealousy and resentment. Become the Eagle and be of great power, rise above, be a great investigator, detective, and really tap into your own power. Always follow the path of truth and honesty for that is what you expect of others. If you follow the lizard, you will follow a path of resentment, anger, hostility and deception. Fly like the Eagle!
This year has been rough on Scorpio, financially in many ways. The Dragons energy has been in a Gemini/Sagittarius axis since May 2020. This energy has affected Scorpios 8thhouse of transformation, death rebirth and drama, and things may have happened twice. The tail in Sagittarius has hit the 2nd house of money and self- esteem. You may experience wealth thru death, others money, inheritances, investments and even taxes. The duality is here with a Gemini Dragon so you may experience these things in twos, fours and sixes.
The Dragons tail is in your 2nd house of wealth, possessions and self-esteem. You will face more challenges in these areas. Money will be an issue and added expenses are possible and it may take a toll on ones self- esteem. It is best to take a closer look at how you spend money and set yourself up for better days ahead, financially.
The Dragon energy shifts on Jan.18, 2022 into a Taurus/Scorpio axis. It stays until July 23, 2023. This energy will challenge you on the 1st house of your soul’s purpose and the 7th house of marriage, contracts and partnerships.
Good Luck my beautiful Scorpio's. Have a wonderful year ahead.
Astro Strega