We close out the year with a Plutonic phase from Dec. 29 - Jan. 2,2019. New Years Eve will be violent ,dangerous and deadly for many. Plutonic phases always bring the evil to the surface. Crimes of all sorts will take place and the men in blue will be busy. Death and drama will once again plague this world, death of the rich and famous, Russia news, CIA ,FBI, secrets come to light, sex news,rapes, terrorism and murders will happen at this time.
Mars moves into its governing sign, Aries on Dec.31 making New Years Eve all the more volatile. This is not the time to be in large crowds.This New Years falls under a waning phase and best to spend a quite evening with friends and family either dinning at your favorite restaurant or cooking at home. Please, please DO NOT go into large crowds like Time Square or anything with mass crowds because the outcome will be deadly. This doesn't mean you cant enjoy the festivities just use caution. Use the Mars in Aries energy to jump start the New Year with exercise and healthy choices. Mars in Aries rules physical activity, so get out there and get physical.
As we leave 2018 behind, we must take time to reflect on the lessons learned this past year. Reflect on them but leave them in the past. Welcome 2019 with open arms and a open heart and thank the powers that be for what is ahead this year. And remember, we have an incredible Solar (Sun power, physical presence, positive) Eclipse happening on Jan. 5 in Capricorn. Where ever you have Capricorn in your house small blessings will come your way for the hard work you have put in, especially if your Cancer or Capricorn.
Wishing all my readers a very happy and healthy New Year. Lets make 2019 the year we grow from life's lessons and be kinder to each other. And don't forget to get your "Dragon Forecast" negative and positive days for the year here: https://www.astrologywitch.com/product-page/lucky-and-unlucky-dragon-days-12-month-forecast