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New moon and Solar eclipse in Leo

Writer's picture: astrowitchastrowitch

We will have our final Solar eclipse of the year on August 11th making it a time for following our hearts, remember that Solar eclipse effect us outwardly and Lunar effects us internally making this a more outgoing and happy energy compared to an emotional Lunar one. Many opportunities can happen under this energy as our creative juices flow. We take on leadership roles and center stage but with all the retrograde action happening and 60% of the planets in retro motion this energy is asking you to look deeper, to see others perspectives and maybe even change your own viewpoints. Stop living in the past; as there is no future in the past. Progress forward, listen to new ideas and create the life you where meant to live. Think like a fiery Leo and your path to success and positive changes will happen.

New Moon on August 11th in Leo @5:58 AM EDT. Where ever this dual Sun/Moon energy lands in your chart, by house and sign will set significant changes for the better in ones life. New romances are started under these stars and our childlike ways are brought to the forefront. The downfall to this energy will be some of your big EGOS. keep them in check and show a little humility but do brag about what you have achieved and accomplished in life.This energy usually lasts for three months. Now on to your two week forecast by house and sign.

Aries: Your love life takes a positive turn and you may take your relationship to the next level. Children will be hyper but they will bring great joy at this time. Watch them closely as this Dragon energy is hunting for children.

Taurus: You will be more focused on your home and security at this time. Any relationships that are stained will be given the opportunity to clear the air which is hard for you Taurus as you are one of the least forgiving in the zodiac. However, if you expect others to forgive ,you must do the same and move forward.

Gemini: Your phone will be busy as many of your siblings will contact you. Speak clearly with Mercury in retro, as your words might be misunderstood and chose your words wisely. Its a wonderful time for communication and positive will come via mail or internet.

Cancer: Financial gain will be offered to you and your self esteem and self worth will be better. You will be able to achieve your goals and any investments made after August 19th (Mercury goes direct) will benefit you greatly in the future. Learn from past mistakes and what didn't work,change your strategies and you cant lose.

Leo: Both the Sun and the moon are right on you Leo , along with a Universal Dragon in Leo making this past your full of highs and lows. The dual powers of both will help stimulate yourself. The moon wants you to let go of your past,stop dwelling on the things you cant change and focus on the things that you can make better. Believe in yourself,have courage and take the thrown as the King you truly are.

Virgo: You will need to get in touch with your subconscious a little more. Just because your rational and logical mind cant see it doesn't mean it don't exist. Your given the opportunity here to dream big and step out of your practical ways. Tapping into higher power (divine) and listening to your dreams will benefit you greatly. listen to those messages. The ancestors are speaking to you now.

Libra: Your social life will be very active and you may even let go of a few friends at this time that make you feel less then special. Remember, when you lose friends you also lose wishes. Learn the difference between healthy relationships and those that are toxic. Many of your friends will make your wishes come true especially after Mercury goes direct.

Scorpio: Career and possible promotions can happen at this time. An opportunity for advancement will be offered to you. Your choice is to ask yourself " will this make me truly happy". Be yourself and accept what truly makes you happy. The rest will fall into place and they will follow.

Sagittarius: You are the sign of adventure and boy are you getting ready for some good adventures. Taking risks is your game and the stars are opening the door to all the endless possibilities now. Travel, new studies, writing, publishing and wide open space is what this energy will bring.Enjoy!

Capricorn: You cant control others but you must control yourself. Let someone else have control and do what you do best, observe and study. Your money statues improves,loans will be granted (only after Aug.19) and money comes your way more easily. What is going to totally catch you of guard is the romantic impact getting ready to happen. Quit possibly a soulmate connection that touches your icy heart in way you never knew existed. Get ready!

Aquarius: Partnerships whether business or romantic will go to the next phase. Someone might help you build a stronger business foundation. If your single, a new partner may grace your life. Committed Aquarians may get married this year or move in together. Stay open minded and everything will fall into place.

Pisces: This eclipse bring your health into the limelight. Now is the time to get those check ups, change bad habits and get healthy. The universe wants you around for a long ,long time so make the needed changes for better health. great opportunities for advancements at work, promotions and even a new job.

Enjoy this energy.Stay safe and have fun this weekend. Enjoy the dog days of summer. Blessed Be.

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