We have a New Moon in Virgo on Thursday, September 17, 2020 @ 7:00 a.m EDT. This double Sun(Virgo), and Moon energy are all about perfectionism, health,organization, employment, and holistic endeavors. The energy focus will be about our own perfection, and a desire to get in shape, and start a new "healthy living plan". Virgo energy gives us the drive, and determination to do, and be better. We can begin to progress forward with determination. This Moon is perfect for starting diets, organizing, and setting up sacred space for yourself. It's all about healing but this also will make us more critical then usual so remember,your not perfect, and neither is anyone else.
Due to Mars in Rx, many of us are going to feel short fused, impatient, and very out of sorts, especially if you have a lot of Mars/Aries in ones chart. With both Jupiter and Saturn in Capricorn, and a New Moon in Virgo, all lights are green for investing,and financial endeavors. This Virgo New Moon will help us to ground our selves, bring balance because a few hours after the New Moon, we slip right into Libra, and the Venus energy takes hold. All Earth signs will feel this energy the most, along with Moons,ascending, and Dragon head/tail in Virgo too.
Magickal Folk: I believe that New Moon's hold just as much power, if not more, then Full Moon's. Its time to conjure up spell work for the betterment of ourselves, and others. Spell work for addictions, diets, health, bad habits, employment, intellectual pursuits, Healing rituals for ailments of the tummy or intestines,digestive system, and nervous system will work well under this Moon phase.
The New Moon in Forecast for Sept 17 -30,2020:
Aries: Better opportunities are ahead with employment ,and your health will most definitely improve too. This would be a good time to focus on ridding yourself of old habits,better eating habits, and exercise are what the stars what you to achieve in this cycle.
Taurus: Children will bring you much joy and happiness. Romance is in the air in a very unexpected way. You are in love with love and nothing can bring you down these next few weeks. Get creative!
Gemini: Positive change ahead in the realm of home, and family. Relocation is always possible under these stars. Redecorating is another option too. Either way, there will be a lot of female energy and even high emotions in some way.
Cancer: Your mental processes will be much better now that the moon is waxing, and communication will flow. Siblings want to talk and the phone bill may get expensive. Short trips, new studies, and group endeavors are all blessed now.
Leo: Your confidence ,and self esteem will improve. You will have better luck now with finances, wealth, and possessions.
Virgo: This is your Moon Virgo. The stars shine upon you now, and the next two weeks will make you very lucky indeed.Good luck Virgo!
Libra: Change is ahead so let go of all your past mistakes, and sorrows. Secrets may be revealed but keep them to yourself, and listen to those dreams the subconscious mind has for you....they hold meaning.
Scorpio: Its time to get out there and make new friend,socialize, and join new groups. One of your friends may bring your wishes to fruition dear Scorpio. Be Blessed!
Sagittarius: You're career takes on a very positive aspect these next few weeks, and higher education might be on the table.You will be in the spotlight and possibly praised for your accomplishments.
Capricorn: Contact will foreigners will make you happy.If you feel the need to travel,keep it domestic as nothing foreign is blessed with a Sagittarius dragon energy right now. New studies will make you happy too.
Aquarius: Financial news improves and a windfall is possible. Investments made now will flourish later on. Joint finances are always common now.
Pisces: New business partners are possible. Change is coming within the domestic world.Some Pisces may get engaged or married. The next two weeks are perfect for signing any business contracts.\
The next few weeks the Virgo energy will make many of us some what critical but we must use Virgo energy to improve our own well being, and organize so we have a better working environment. Mental clarity is key. Ive included a Job Spell I found on the internet and it is perfect for a New Moon in Virgo on a Thursday(Jupiter Day)
Have a safe,happy and healthy new Virgo Moon.
Blessed Be!