We have a New Moon in Aquarius on Thursday, February 11@ 2:06 p.m. EST. New Moons in the New Age sign of Aquarius. This energy will be all about scientific discovery, electronics, astrology, UFOs, space. There will be progressive, and positive changes ahead with a few shocking surprises along the way. This is the perfect time to launch any new endeavors or projects. New purchases of electronics, software and even astrology readings, books and literature on the stars will be blessed in this energy.
Days prior to this New Moon we slip into a Uranic phase or "Days of Caution" for Feb. 9/10/11. Uranic energy always brings weird weather anomalies, earthquakes, tornados, storms, volcanic eruptions, electrical outages, and lightning. The bizarre and unbelievable can and will make headlines. Space X, NASA, News from Asia, UFOs ,E.Ts, aeronautical events, the paranormal make the 5 o'clock news too. DO NOT FLY! We also are in Mercury retrograde , making this Uranic phase more intense then usual. There will be shocking surprises in our won lives as well.
Air signs will feel this energy the most but there is a stellium happening with six planets in Aquarius on the New Moon. We have Saturn (fear and karma), Venus (universal love), Jupiter (luck), Moon (emotions), Mercury Rx ( mental clarity, past comes back) and The Sun (outward energy) in revolutionary, shocking, radical, progressive Aquarius. Where ever this energy is hitting by house and sign, ALL signs will feel its radical pull and abrupt, and shocking shift. Luckily, the Moon is waxing, making those surprises more on the positive side, then the negative.
Magikal Folk: I just love New Moons in Aquarius. The energy is about freedom, friendship, brotherly love ,revolutionary ideas. Spell work for friendship, self love, science, and extrasensory gifts will do well. Aliments of the blood, calves, circulatory system, and curbing addictions are blessed under these stars. I will post my friendship spell tomorrow along with the new products we have received.
Forecast by House and Sign:
Aries: Friends will bring wishes, shocking surprises, in a good way, and opportunities. You may even meet new friends who are older with Saturn(older friends). Its very lucky!
Taurus: Positive changes in your career. You may even switch careers now. You will be under the microscope now so do behave yourself in public.
Gemini: You will be given the chance to make travel plans and advance your knowledge by taking classes in advanced education. If dealing with court cases, the next few weeks will bring surprises.
Cancer: Progressive changes with investments, joint finances, and even wealth. Sexuality will be heightened, and news of legacy is possible.
Leo: You will see positive changes in your partnerships and personal and domestic relations. New business opportunities will be presented to you.
Virgo: Progressive changes within the realm of employment and how you service the world. health issues should improve now also.
Libra: Your love life will get a much needed boost. Your creativeness will be unstoppable. Dream big Libra!
Scorpio: Progressive changes within the home. Buying, selling, remodeling, and moving may be on the agenda. Go with the flow and enjoy the nice surprises along the way.
Sagittarius: Learning new technologies or taking up a new study will be possible. You may feel like making small trips away and into nature, and this will surely expand your mind spiritually.
Capricorn: You will be offered the chance to learn something new within the world of technology. Positive changes are ahead in your finances. The storm you face the past few years is over. Enjoy!
Aquarius: This New Moon is right on you. The next two weeks will be very lucky. Opportunities will come your way, grab them.
Pisces: You will be the natural psychic these next few weeks. Your subconscious mind, intuitiveness, and dreams will expand and bring messages. Stay way from drugs and drink for a few days or it will blur your visions.
These next few weeks will be both positive, negative, and stressful, and with a stellium of six planets in Aquarius, you can bet there will be revolutionary, progressive, and radical changes coming within government and society. The energy is about brotherly love, new friendships, self love, and humanitarian issues. I will do a friendship spell later this evening to bring positive friendships into our lives.
Have a wonderful two weeks and Blessed Be