Libra New Moon Forecast - 10/6/2021
The New Moon in Libra is on October 6, 2021 at 7:05 a.m. EDT. When ever we have a new moon in the diplomatic sign of Libra, you can expect dealings with laws, affairs of the heart, money and artistic endeavors take hold of us. Many of us will feel more peaceful and at harmony with each other.
This energy plays a significant part in our own psyche, and our spiritual and personal lives. We must have a stress free life where our own balance and harmony will prevail. There will be no substitutes on this issue. This is all for the greater good of our own well being and what the stars demand of us.
This New Moon is very positive in nature and the next few weeks we will be blessed for many of us by house and sign. Even with a Mercury is in retro-grade this will still bring harmonious energy our way. Just make sure you speak clearly so they understand what you are saying. And as a cosmic added bonus, Pluto goes direct the same day to a new and transformed you.
Souls born with strong Libra energy will feel this the most. All my Sun, Moon, Ascendants, Dragon head or tail in Libra will feel the energy significantly. This energy can make us a bit indecisive and with Mercury Rx, a bit scattered too. Just stay focused and grounded and enjoy the good vibes all around. This is one of the most beautiful placements for the stars.
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Two Week Forecast by House and Sign
Aries/April //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////.
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The next two weeks are positive in nature with a few "Days of caution" along the way. Make the most of this beautiful Libra energy and enjoy life's simple pleasures. Be safe and have a blessed New Moon.