Did we survive the eclipse season? It has been a crazy month since the Solar Eclipse in Aries back in April and the Lunar eclipse on May 5, 2023. Throw in a Mercury Rx in Taurus and all sorts of things have happened, from ex-lovers coming back into our lives, banking issues and finances, and a general feeling of complete scatteredness is very common.
The solar eclipse was very unusual as it was in 29 degrees of Aries but then the new moon was fifteen minutes in Aries and then slipped into Taurus making the last new moon take on a dual energy of Mars/Venus. And some Astrologers consider this to be a Black Moon but that is not the case in my opinion. If the last new moon had been directly in Taurus then YES, it would officially be considered a Black Moon. But Aries's energy was there and could be felt, even at its weakened degree.
The New Moon in Taurus happens on Friday, May 19, 2023, @ 11:53 a.m. EDT. How lovely to have a Taurus New Moon fall on Friday (Venus Day). Creating beautiful energy for love, self-love, beauty, and the finer things in life and putting yourself on a budget in these stars would not be a bad idea either.
Taurus is ruled by Venus, the goddess of love, peace, beauty, and inner harmony. This moon's energy is all about dealing with money, finances, the banking industry, cryptocurrency, beauty, massage, esthetics, luxury items, and decadent food. The moon is waxing now, Mercury is almost out of Rx and it’s all about the “feel good” energy around you. Do something for yourself this week that makes you feel beautiful, happy, and satisfied. All investments, signing contracts, furthering one's finances, and romance can be a green light these next few weeks.
Taurus is a slow-moving sign, and with these last few months of this Dragons energy in Taurus, things will be very active and busy both financially, politically, and for the world at large as this does rule earth changes too. The U.S.A. is failing financially and is becoming the underdog in the Crypto world where just a few years back in 2018, we dominated the crypto space.
These next few weeks will be under the spell of Venus (Goddess of Love). Mars, (The Lord of War) enters Leo on May 20, 2023. When fire meets fire, sparks could turn into an inferno in affairs of the heart. But this also signals fires too. This New Moon also rides the Dragons Head in Taurus, making this energy focus on money, finances, and the last one of its Dragon cycle. Meaning that this is the last New Moon coinciding with the Taurus Dragons head. We have another 17 -18 years before we see this placement of the Taurus/Scorpio axis of the Nodes.
This New Moon is almost like a redo of the things we didn't do or complete last month. The stars are giving you the opportunity to try again, a second chance, and use the knowledge and perspectives you have learned from the past eclipses to forge forward. All Earth signs will be very magnetic, and those souls born with a Moon, Sun, Ascendant, or Dragon head/tail in Taurus will feel this energy the most.
Enjoy these next few weeks.
Magickal Folk: The New Moon in Taurus will be all about spells for love, self-care, beauty, material gains, and money. New Moons in Taurus are also about finances and budgets. The art of a millionaire is to let go of the poverty mindset that society has implemented on all of us. We all need to retrain ourselves, and our mentality about money. Any sort of spellwork for ridding of debt and balances is blessed. This is also a good time for those who are seeking to open a business or e-commerce to work with Jupiter in Taurus for the blessings of new businesses.
Happy Magick Making!
These next few weeks will be filled with happiness and joy but also drama, beginnings and endings, and even U.S.A. and Brition make major headlines these next few weeks. Even in good stars we still hear negative news about our economy, and the environment around us, no matter where we are on the planet.
This is also where mother nature will become active. And what she didn't finish in the Uranic phase, she will finish in a Moonic phase come May 19 -25, 2023. As a Moonic phase moves in. This is also where decisions are made regarding our economy and the Feds begin to prepare the general public to transfer to CBDC or FED Now Coin, effective in July 2023.
May 21/22/23 - Moonic Phase - This energy always brings U.S.A. or Great Britain headlines. It represents the beginnings and endings of portions of our lives, planned and unplanned. This is where family tragedies, forced relocation, and beginnings and endings to wars can happen. Weather can turn deadly, and destructive and natural disasters are common such as hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes, and volcanoes, Real Estate matters and moving and relocating are possible.
The rest of the month is smooth sailing ahead until May 31 when Pluto rears its ugly head once again. Memorial Day is on May 29, 2023, and the Moon will be in Libra let's hope the U.S.A. feels that peace, love, and harmony vibe over hate and anger. Well…one can only hope.
Wishing you all a very blessed New Moon and a wonderful rest of the month.
Astro -Strega