The New Moon in Virgo arrives on Monday, September 6,2021 @ 8:52 p.m. EDT. Virgo New Moons are all about health, organization. holistic healing, and textiles. On the negative it can make many of us more critical then usual. This is a perfect time to reorganize your work or home space, seek new employment, get a check up, commit to better health habits, start writing a book, and have keen attention to detail.
Souls born in the Sun sign of Virgo will be perfectionist, critical thinkers, hard workers, and have a gift for keeping things in order like a fine running machine. The past year may have been a struggle with relocation, remodeling, deep family emotions, and issues with mother or mother figure. This Universal Dragon energy in Gemini/Sagittarius as taken a toll on all signs by house.
My free Virgo forecast is here:
Free September forecast here:
This New Moon is full of good vibes all around. We will feel more inclined to do things, and have motivation to see them through; especially when it comes to decluttering, clean up, and organization. Virgo hates a mess and they also dislike uncleanliness, nasty habits and disfunction. I do admit the energies ebb and flow better when our environment is neat and clean but sometime it is, what it is.
All earth signs will feel this Virgo New Moon the most but ya all know the Souls born with placements in Virgo of Sun, Moon, rising, Dragon head/tail always feel this shift the most. Where ever Virgo is placed by house and sign, it will motivate you onto action of that house and make changes for the better. Enjoy these next few days of happy energy because it all changes a week later. (Patreon, I will explain what's coming)
Magickal Folk: Well just like with reorganizing and cleaning our living and work space. It is time to cleans and clean our sacred space too. Spell work for employment, new jobs, better health and diet all work well under Virgo New Moons. Virgo is ruled by the mercurial energy, so spell work for endeavors like writing a book would do well. Spell work for ailments of the nervous system, and intestines work well too. Happy magick making!
Be safe and have a wonderful New Moon, blessings.