Happy 2019 everyone! This week we have a stellium (three or more planets in one sign). We have Pluto (transformation) ,Moon,Sun, Saturn(government), S.Node all in Capricorn and on Jan.4 Mercury moves into Capricorn making the tone of communication very serious.Dramatic changes are getting ready to take place within our government. Its all about the dual energy, Sun and Moon both in Capricorn(structure) making us swim to the light and discover other knowledge and creates a more stable, emotional and balanced environment. We have light and the dark, the sun and the moon,male and female, good and evil and all Capricorn has to offer, both positive and negative.
Capricorn is the father/engineer and Devil of the Zodiac. This doesn't not mean Capricorns are evil in anyway but Saturn will either punish you or bless you for your past deeds. Where ever you have Saturn/Capricorn in your star chart you have the Devil and karma will be paid to you. Used in a positive manner, we as humans can achieve anything for Capricorn in its positive state is structure,discipline, stability and hard work but Capricorn in its negative is abuse of power, rigid,fears,diseases and self-serving.
This energy was in its positive phase back in 2008/2009 the energy was reversed and Capricorn/Cancer axis brought with it "corporations are people" manta. Company's, and corporations were very strong and the banking industry got away with one of the biggest ponzi schemes ever on the American people.The tail was in Cancer(real-estate) and foreclosures, skyrocketing home loans and people losings their homes and life savings and retirement funds due to the stock market crashing. And here we are, 11 to 12 years later and karma is gonna start knocking soon. Capricorn will expose the abusers. Its gonna be a lot of fun to watch my friends.
We have a New Moon(new beginnings) in Capricorn Jan. 5 @5:28 PM PST and a partial Solar Eclipse starting @ 3:34 PM PST the same day.This eclipse will be visible to locations in North Pacific like Seattle,Portland ,L.A ,San Francisco and Northeast Asia,Russia and places like Tokyo,Beijing, Seoul and Taipei. Solar eclipses represent the outer world. Your appearance,ones self, and how the world sees you. The government will make the news and political decisions will be made at this time. Beginnings and ending are common under these stars. Progress can be made in the next few week so work hard to achieve those goals.
And two weeks later we have a Lunar Eclipse in Leo on Jan.21 showing signs to start something new.
On Sunday , Jan.6, 2019 Uranus comes out of retrograde in Aries making an explosive and ready to stir up trouble attitude. This energy can be erratic and create shocking and disturbing behavior in many. This has a war like feeling to it so lets hope our politicians,generals and the world at large behave themselves for this energy has the capability of destroying the human race. Uranus(sudden changes) will move in March into Taurus( money,finances,security) staying there for seven years, and the last time this planet met up with each other was in the 30's a.k.a The Great Depression.
Here is your two week New Moon and Solar eclipse forecast by house and sign:
Aries: The Suns energy gives light to a new career, social affairs and accomplishments. The moon is sitting here too creating an intense energy. New business endeavors and acknowledgements of things done in your past will surface. good times ahead in the 10th house.go for it!
Taurus: The Sun/moon shines on your 9th house and this maybe the year you study more,learn a new skill,connect with foreigners,change your beliefs and even travel. If you have ever thought of writing a book, now is the time Taurus.
Gemini: Heightened sexuality, joint finances and legacy's will touch you directly. The Sun/Moon cruises your 8th house now and money from investments can be made. Inheritances are common under this celestial energy too.
Cancer: Old and negative partnerships will be forced into elimination now. The Sun wants you to focus on more positive relationships,partnerships and contracts as it cruises the 7th house. A new life will be offered to you by removing the negative people in your life.
Leo: Better health and a new employment opportunity will be achieved if Leo's use a dose of moderation. Try not to obsess so much on health issues. Eat right,exercise and if you do have unhealthy habits the Suns energy will help you to banish these habits and turn them into positive. This energy is cruising the 6th house.
Virgo: Your love life is about to get a jolt. This Sun/Moon energy is cruising your 5th house of love,romance,creativity and children. Great joy and news from children and confidence will be achieved. You may fall for someone much older or younger at this time. Enjoy this romantic and joyful energy.
Libra: Improvements in your home environment and changes in residence are common when Capricorn cruises Libras 4th house.Its time to focus on family and your home life now. Emotions will be high but Capricorn wants you to build a fortress for yourself. Buying and selling property and redecorating are all on the agenda this year.
Scorpio: Your social environment,communication and metal process will be busy as this energy hits your 3rd house.The moon may make you more emotional and brothers and sisters will make contact. One thing Scorpio tends to forget is their spot on ability of intuition. Listen to it more often, you may surprise yourself on how gifted you really are.
Sagittarius: This energy cruises the 2nd house of money,self -esteem and worth. Money is and can be made at this time. Jupiter in Sagittarius will help you to achieve more abundance in your life this year. However, with Saturn stationed in your money house, you must be honest, trustworthy and not greedy for karma will repay you. Your self- esteem will improve and you will start to feel better about yourself in the coming weeks and months to follow.
Capricorn: Dear Capricorn, this energy falls right on you. Changes are coming whether you like it or not. Your health,appearance,self discovery and a new direction in life will be offered.The Dragons tail will teach you karmic lessons and some of you agnostic goats will have an awakening of some sort that science cant explain. You are advised to use that fishtail of metaphysics and swim up to the stars. Rebirth is coming but you must be open to it. Happy days are ahead for most Capricorns.
Aquarius: This energy is in your 12th house of subconscious,hidden enemies,spirituality,occult and mysteries. Things may come to light about certain things and people;keep it to yourself for now. Your intuition will be spot on and dreams will be enlightening,listen to them. Do not feed into negative thoughts,depression or self undoing. Aquarius had the Dragon hunting them physically last year but now its in your subconscious and in my opinion in its worst placement for fear to surface. The key here is to meditate and stay positive.
Pisces: Friends will bring you wishes, and improvement in your social circles will be seen. Your long term goals will be offered to those who have worked hard and deserve it. Past relationships have taught you hard lessons and new friends both younger and older will present themselves. Get out there and socialize!
Wishing everyone a prosperous,abundant, happy and healthy New Year. Enjoy this very special and potent New Moon/Eclipse in Capricorn energy. I have been asked by many to prolong the holiday special, so I am...check them out here: https://www.astrologywitch.com/shop They will expire on 1/31/19.
The Dragon Lucky and Unlucky days are now offered annually. Get your 12 month forecast and knowledge about how your 13th sign works ( North and South nodes) and where it resides in your star chart. https://www.astrologywitch.com/product-page/lucky-and-unlucky-dragon-days-12-month-forecast Special runs until 1/31/19
And a big THANK YOU to those who sent holiday donations.They are greatly appreciated to keep the website up and running. https://www.paypal.com/donate/?token=Ei4zkESVaT8GN3_evh8ueqg6wdLqtNO5wkPzwgqT62nC60uJ357b-pnbT96-ptUaLtixdW&country.x=US&locale.x=
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This forecast has been revised.Sorry for the inconvenience