October 2 - Mercury is direct.
October 2 - 1st Quarter Moon.
October 8 - Pluto Direct
October 9 - Full Moon in Aries – Aggressive energy and war like mentality prevail.
October 10 - Mercury enters Libra again! – Communication becomes more diplomatic and productive.
October 10 - Mercury goes direct (Nostradamus Astrology)
October 17 - Last Quarter Moon
October 23 - Saturn Direct
October 23 - Venus enters Scorpio – Ultimate power with love and devotion.
October 23 - Sun enters Scorpio. Happy Birthday Scorpio!
October 22 - 24 Dark Moon Phase
October 25 - New Moon in Scorpio – We will tap into the darker side of things, and discover more metaphysical knowledge.
October 25 - Solar eclipse in Scorpio (Partial)
October 28 - Jupiter Rx moves back into Pisces. – A more harmonious scenario and music is key to happiness.
October 28 - Jupiter conjuncts Pisces – Our intuition comes into focus. Listen to that little voice in your head.
October 29 - Mercury enters Scorpio – Investigating and getting to the heart of the truth.
October 30 - Mars goes Retrograde – No energy, and a lack of patience.
October 31 – Happy Halloween!
Have a blessed October and remember, its eclipse season so things are about to get pretty intense towards the end of the month.
Astro - Strega