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September 2021 Forecast

Writer's picture: astrowitchastrowitch

We move into the harvest season where the days are growing shorter, the night air is a little more crisp, the leaves turn a golden hue of orange, yellow and browns. The Autumn Equinox is upon us. September 20 - 22 is the first day of fall in the northern hemisphere, and spring in the southern hemisphere. The Celts and pagans used this day to give thanks to Mother Earth, nature and for a bountiful good harvest. They pray to their gods and goddesses that the crops would last throughout the winter with celebrations of bon fires, feasting, harvesting, offerings, and even sacrifices.

The new moon is in Virgo on Monday, September 6,2021 @ 8:52 p.m. EDT. Virgo energy is all about perfectionism, organization, health, employment, and holistic consciousness. Virgo is the natural healer of the zodiac. The Sun is in Virgo too and giving us a double dose of mercurial energy. Contrary to what many do ever Jan. 1 with a new diet or exercise regimen, new moon in Virgo is the best time to start a diet, lifestyle change, or exercise program. This energy will give us strength to hold our resolve, be more disciplined, and health conscious of our food and stress triggers. All earth signs will feel this energy the most including Sun, Moon, rising, and Dragon Head/tail in Virgo too.

The Virgo New Moon is also Trine in Uranus the same day. trines are all about harmony and ebb and flow. Uranus is about shocking surprises in a good way coming into your life in the Virgo world. There is also a trine in between Mars (desire, action) and Pluto (transformations) making for a very progressive Labor Day.

Venus (goddess of love) enters into lustful Scorpio on Friday, September,10,2021. Lets just say many of us will feel our libido in overdrive for the next several weeks and passion will be strong for many. Souls born with this placement will be very intense, magnetic, and sensual. There can be high drama with this position, and this placement requires total devotion and commitment.

On Tuesday, September 14, 2021, Mars (desire principle ) enters diplomatic Libra. The energy is all about justice, partnerships, marriage, and harmony. Some people get married at this time. This is a good place for Mars to be because Libra tones down the aggressive nature of Mars giving into peace, love, balance and harmony. Souls born with this placement will reach some sort of balance and peace in their own lives because their main objective in life is to live in perfect balance within their own human experiences. . They are usually interior designers, astrologers, psychologists, involved with laws, and the arts. They will fight for the weak and oppressed and this is truly a very beautiful placement.

September 17, 2021 marks the pre-shadows of Mercury retrograde which begins on September 27 in Libra and ends on October 18,2021 but the foreshadows of this retrograde last up to October 27,2021. This retro grade is in Libra so it will be all about partnerships, marriage, love, working things out to create more balance in ones life.

The Pisces full moon greets us on Wednesday, September 20, 2021 @ 7:55 p.m. EDT. Pisces Full Moons can be a little emotional for some. We are more intuitive, dreams become messages, and your psychics, astrologers, and initiatives become more channeled and can see far, far ahead. This is also a good time to release bad habits and steer clear of alcohol and drugs that make you lose focus and are ungrounding. More on this for my Patreon subscribers!

It is Libra season beginning September 22,2021. Happy Birthday Libra and your full forecast will be posted on Patreon in the next few days. Have a safe month ahead and for full forecast/days of caution and monthly predictions become a subscriber here:


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